Astro with GitHub Secrets

Published: Fri Jul 28 2023

Tags: githubastroenvactions

If you deploy your Astro project to GitHub Pages and want to use environment variable safely then this may be helpful. I needed to do just this for some enhancements and couldn’t find any specific information to make it work so had me stumped for a while.

So before I remove my test code, I’ll take a few screenshots and hopefully it can help someone!

My Scenario

I am adding an API using server side generated code in Astro and wanted to pass it some credentials. In my development environment I use a .env file in the root and store it using a SECRET_ key as per Using environment variables 🚀 Astro Documentation.

PUBLIC_TEST = "Hello World!"
SECRET_TEST = "Hello You!"

I can then access this using the import.meta value in my code.

<p>Testing environment variables.</p>
<p>This should be a public value: {import.meta.env.PUBLIC_TEST}</p>
<p>This should be a private value: {import.meta.env.SECRET_TEST}</p>

Now what happens when I publish the to GitHub and it uses the Astro Action to build and update? Well as I have my .env file in the .gitignore file (as I should), nothing happens.

GitHub Secrets

GitHub as a way to add encrypted variables which sounds like what I needed Encrypted secrets - GitHub Docs.

Adding them is easy but how do I use them in my Astro code? The documentation is pretty good but didn’t explain exactly how to do it.

Action YAML Config

The key (pun?) is to set them up in the deploy.yml file. I am using the YAML file as detailed in the Astro docs Deploy your Astro Site to GitHub Pages 🚀 Astro Documentation.

Just add an env key under build then map your internal variable names with the GitHub Secrets variable names.

      PUBLIC_TEST: ${{ secrets.PUBLIC_TEST }}
      SECRET_TEST: ${{ secrets.SECRET_TEST }}
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Checkout your repository using git
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Install, build, and upload your site
        uses: withastro/action@v0

Just push your changes to GitHub, wait for the rebuild and they are available!